

欧文康考迪亚大学 is proud to offer an educational foundation for an exciting and rewarding career in athletic training and sports medicine with the 运动训练理学硕士 (MSAT) degree. A career as a certified athletic trainer offers a dynamic and rewarding working environment with exposure to a variety of athletic and 盟军医疗 settings and professionals, 包括运动员, 教练, 医生, 物理治疗师, 运动生理学家, 以及其他相关医疗保健专业人员. 正如国家运动教练协会所概述的那样, certified athletic trainers provide comprehensive patient care in five areas of clinical practice: prevention; clinical 评价 and diagnosis; immediate and emergency care; 治疗ment and rehabilitation; and organization and professional health and well-being.

认识到需要进一步的专业训练的运动教练, 欧文康考迪亚大学 is an early adopter of the 3+2 model for earning both a Bachelor and 运动训练理学硕士. 我们的创新, 基于队列的课程设计是为了适应传统的本科学生, 转学, and recipients of undergraduate degrees to meet the minimum professional degree level recommended CAATE for successful completion of the Board of Certification examination. 康考迪亚大学欧文分校的MSAT项目, 您将体验到融合运动医学元素的独特学术环境, 盟军医疗, 以及以基督教高等教育的整体价值观和伦理为指导的校际博彩平台推荐.


根据美国劳工统计局的数据, employment opportunities for certified athletic trainers are expected to grow much faster than average occupations by 22% between 2016 and 2026. These employment trends highlight the need for masters prepared certified athletic trainers in order to advance the profession and provide the highest quality of healthcare for the physically active. 在运动医学团队中,认证的运动训练师在预防方面发挥着不可或缺的作用, 评价, 运动损伤的治疗和康复.

后2.5年的勤奋分析, leaders of the key athletic training organizations recently announced their decision to establish the professional degree in athletic training at the master’s level. Research shows that the master’s level Athletic Training programs demonstrated more favorable outcomes on the BOC exam pass rate. 这一举措将“为运动教练在不断发展的医疗保健系统中发挥不可或缺的作用做好最好的准备。."


康考迪亚大学的运动训练课程将指导您准备参加BOC考试. 这是一个有趣的学习环境,你和你的教授关系密切, 能得到你需要的帮助吗, 有很多导师指导你. 我们也有许多临床站点,可以满足您在该领域的兴趣, 包括欢呼, 足球, 整形外科手术, 和NCAA DII运动.



崔的运动训练临床实验室作为教学和临床指导的中心位置. 我们的实验室设备齐全,可以评估和治疗运动损伤, 在经过认证的运动教练的监督下进行. 我们最近升级的设施设有多个高低治疗台, 肌肉电刺激和超声波仪, 录表, 还有一个水疗区.

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